Key Metric SQL Backup Master 7.9.901.0 Standart | Pro | Site | Enterprise

SQL Backup Master backs up your SQL Server databases to any number of popular cloud storage services such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Box, Google Cloud Storage, Backblaze, Google Drive, and more. It can also back up databases to an FTP server — or a folder on your local machine, network server, or storage device.
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ODrive 0.3.0

If you use Google Drive to backup files to the cloud and access them from various locations, you may wish to try a desktop client that lets you manage your account without a web browser. An official application is available from Google, but there are alternatives out there as well. ODrive is one of your options, an open-source program that synchronizes your Google Drive folder with a directory on your PC. It is easy to set up and very unobtrusive, but it lacks advanced features.
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